1. Introduction

Thank you for choosing to use our PDF application (hereinafter referred to as the "Application"). We understand the importance of privacy to you, so we have developed the following privacy agreement to ensure that we always comply with relevant laws and regulations and respect your privacy rights when collecting, using and protecting your personal information. Please read this privacy policy carefully before using the app to understand how we handle your personal information.

2. Information collection

Device information: In order to provide better services, we may collect your device information, such as operating system version, device model, preferred language, etc. This information helps us understand the user's device environment so that we can make targeted optimizations.

Usage information: During your use of this application, we may collect some usage information, such as frequency of use, function preferences, etc., to optimize our services and enhance user experience.

Location information: If you authorize us to use location services, we may collect your location information to provide you with location-based personalized services.

User information: This application does not require registration, so you do not need to provide personally identifiable information, etc.

3. Use of information

Service provision: We will use the information you provide to provide the PDF generation service you requested. This service is run locally on the device and will not be uploaded or stored to a cloud server.

Optimization and improvement: We will analyze the collected usage information and device information to understand users' usage habits, optimize our services, and improve user experience. Compliance with laws and regulations: When necessary, we may use your information to make relevant reports and disclosures in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations.

4. Information Security and Protection

Third-party cooperation: When cooperating with third parties, we will strictly require them to comply with relevant privacy protection regulations to ensure the security of your information.

5. Rights and choices

Refusal of service: You have the right to refuse our collection and use of your information, but this may affect your use of certain features of this App.

6. Changes and notifications

We may modify this Privacy Agreement based on business needs or changes in laws and regulations. The revised privacy agreement will be published on this App and you will be notified through appropriate means. Please check the Privacy Agreement regularly for the latest privacy policy.